Spring Iris

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Iris flowers are also called Flags. This is a very appropriate name for them! These flowers come in so many gorgeous colors and wave a welcome in many gardens in our area.

I really enjoyed this Anna Mason tutorial. I liked practicing ways that make the petals show off their curves. During the winter our homes are closed and cozy. Now that Spring is heading to Summer, our doors are open more and we are enjoying the warming fresh air and promise of Summer sun.

I dripped some water on the stem and then tried to fix it. I made it look worse. After mourning the error, I finally did what I should have done first. I stopped and let it dry thoroughly. Only when it was totally dry, was I able to use a very dry brush and fix the spots. It’s not as it should be, but not too bad. Have you ever noticed when we make one mistake, it is so easy to make another and another trying to fix it. If we would just stop. Decide what to do and make a wise choice. So much trouble could be saved.

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