Red Fox

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After the Great Horned Owl painting that had so little color, I was eager for a subject, other than a flower, with lots of color. Mike found this picture and I instantly fell in love with this sweet face and beautiful color!

The Red Fox is the most widespread land mammal on earth. They live in mountains and deserts and in all but South America and Antarctica. They are only about 16 inches tall but can easily jump over a 6-foot-high fence. They can run up to 30 miles an hour. Their vision is so good that they can see small movements from a long distance and can hear a mouse squeak from 100 feet away. Even with all these wonderful attributes you would think they could easily elude their predators. Yet they rarely live more than two years.

This made me consider our lives. We have no guarantees of how long we will live. Jesus assured us that God sees us as valuable. In Luke 12 he tells us not to be afraid of lacking what we need. When we are seeking the Father’s kingdom, God will take care of our food and clothing. We should stay ready for action and make the most of every opportunity, use every skill, and share our lives with others. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom. So then, whether we live a long or short life, we will have fulfilled God’s purpose for our lives.

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