Pink Magnolia Bloom

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Pink Magnolia Bloom

This is a pink Magnolia blossom. One of the highlights of Spring in the US is the Magnolia gardens. The fragrance and the brilliant, hearty flowers are such a treat to the senses.

I had been disappointed in my attempt to paint a pink/purple Zinnia flower. I tried the method of putting down layer after layer to build up the color, but it looked dull and didn’t excite interest in that lovely flower. Finally, I had tried too much and that painting had to be set aside as a learning experience.

That’s when I decided to take this Anna Mason tutorial to learn how to paint this vibrant pink/purple color. I learned a lot about mixing the colors and why to add some subtle hues here and there and others to avoid altogether for this flower.

My take-away from this experience is that we need to know when to quit trying and to ask help from someone who knows. All I was doing with the Zinnia was adding a little of one hue then a little of another. But I didn’t know what I was doing and it became muddy. With a teacher who knew the right way, I could follow step by step and see success.

I needed to be willing to ask for help and start all over again. It was well worth the time and effort!

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