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With the summer fruit coming in now, I wanted some sweet, juicy peaches! We had our first batch last week. Just about the same time, Anna Mason offered this tutorial of peaches.

In this day and age, we can have most anything we want whether in season or out of season. If you’re hungry for peaches in the middle of winter you can get canned or frozen peaches to satisfy your craving. But there is nothing quite as good as fresh from the orchard, ripe fruit. (Is your mouth watering yet?)

I don’t believe God wants us to only have canned or frozen versions of His Word. He met with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day.

He wants to share His heart with each of us.

Sometimes the only time we spend with God, we are quoting our grocery list of requests. In our busy, noisy lives, the only way we will learn to hear God is when we get quiet enough to listen.

Most of us will never hear the audible voice of God. But we can all sense Him when, like Samuel, we say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant listens.”

We will hear words in season if we take time to be quiet in His presence. He talks to us through the Bible, through a thought we know didn’t come from our own minds, through a gentle breeze or clap of thunder. He may remind you of something a friend said or the way you felt when a someone touched your shoulder or wiped a tear. He is not limited! He will make sure you hear, if your heart is open and tuned to Him.

Let’s enjoy fresh fruit from His hand!

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