Spring Iris

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Iris flowers are also called Flags. This is a very appropriate name for them! These flowers come in so many gorgeous colors and wave a welcome in many gardens in our area.

I really enjoyed this Anna Mason tutorial. I liked practicing ways that make the petals show off their curves. During the winter our homes are closed and cozy. Now that Spring is heading to Summer, our doors are open more and we are enjoying the warming fresh air and promise of Summer sun.

I dripped some water on the stem and then tried to fix it. I made it look worse. After mourning the error, I finally did what I should have done first. I stopped and let it dry thoroughly. Only when it was totally dry, was I able to use a very dry brush and fix the spots. It’s not as it should be, but not too bad. Have you ever noticed when we make one mistake, it is so easy to make another and another trying to fix it. If we would just stop. Decide what to do and make a wise choice. So much trouble could be saved.


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Along the Shenandoah River, Virginia Bluebells danced in the Spring breeze. I wanted to paint them, but could not capture their form or color well. So, I used Anna Mason’s UK Bluebell tutorial for this painting.

Bluebells are some of the earliest Spring flowers. They sway and bob as they cheerily dance in the cool breezes of early Spring. They made our hearts sing in anticipation.

Is your heart full of anticipation for the next season in your life? Or are you in a cold or sad season where it’s hard to lift your heart in song and hope? Look for the ‘Bluebells’ that God sends to stir your heart in anticipation of a coming new season in your life. Our God is faithful and full of compassion. He comforts the grieving and strengthens the weary. He offers hope for our future. Look up!

A Widow’s Story

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Irene is a lovely, friendly, thoughtful woman. She is always willing to lend a hand and is a faithful intercessor for those who ask for prayer. We’ve talked occasionally over the last few years, but I never knew her story until recently.

When Irene and her husband married, they were church attenders, but had no real faith. From early in their marriage her husband was abusive, but she had been raised that when you chose to marry, you stayed married- ‘you made your bed, you sleep in it.’ He was an alcoholic and she was beaten, but Irene never considered leaving her husband.

She and her husband continued to attend church on Sundays. A friend invited her to attend another church with her, so she went with her friend on Sunday evenings. This friend not only took her to church, but shared books with her. Over time she began to seek a personal relationship with Jesus. One day, all by herself, she prayed and gave her life to Jesus and asked Him to be her Savior.

Irene went to some special meetings by a woman evangelist. This woman talked about her own marriage to an unbelieving husband. She said she treated him as though he were a believer. She quoted Romans 5:5 and the phrase, ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit’ stuck in Irene’s heart.

She began to see that if God poured His love into her heart, she should do the same to her husband. She made the decision to love him and she told him that she loved him and began to try to show her love through her actions.

Ephesians 5:33 in the Amplified Bible told her how to love her husband. It says, “…and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband—that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly.”

And Ephesians 4:31 and 32, in the Amplified Bible showed her what changes God wanted for her. “Let all bitterness and indignation and wrath (passion, rage, bad temper) and resentment (anger, animosity) and quarreling (brawling, clamor, contention) and slander (evil speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from you, with all malice (spite, ill will or baseness of any kind). And become useful and helpful and kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving-hearted), forgiving one another  [readily and freely], as God in Christ forgave you.”

That was a tall order for her, but she made the decision to live this way with her husband. Instead of praying for God to change her husband, she was praying that God would help her become the kind of person she was supposed to be.

As these changes happened in Irene, her husband noticed the difference and began to treat her better too.

She continued to go to church with her friend and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. One time after that her husband raised his hand to hit her and she merely looked directly at him and said, “Don’t you dare.” He lowered his hand and never again hit her.

She prayed for her husband to be saved and bought him a Bible with his name inscribed on it. It was many years later that he watched a TV show and told her when she came home that he had ‘prayed the prayer.’ She went and got the Bible she had been saving for him.

His life also changed after salvation, but he never was able to overcome his alcoholism.  But he died a believer in Jesus.

Knowing Irene now, I never would have dreamed that she had been abused or that it took the grace and work of God in her life to turn her from such bitterness and anger. She humbly shared her story, not to be patted on the back for being a good wife in a bad marriage. But she shared her story so that other women in similarly bad marriages could know what God can do in them and through them in their families.

War Veteran

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After service at a small country church, Bill, an 82 year old man, greeted us. We had never met before. When we told him we spend more time overseas than in the US, he said he had seen the world. He served during the Korean War for eight years, and then was out for about the same length of time. Later he served in the Army Reserves. Though we think of the reserves as a home assignment, the Army chose to make Bill an almost permanent traveler.

We told him my dad had served in WWII and told us very little about his time in the army. We didn’t know until a few years ago that Dad was a decorated veteran with three bronze stars and a silver star to his credit. We had never heard how he earned them, and Dad never displayed them. It was as though those incidents were too poignant for words.

This gentleman said, “There are things in the past you would gladly do again, but there others you would never care to repeat.”

He went on to tell us the one thing he regrets the most from his many years in service. While in Guatemala they were told to only carry the money they were going to spend when they went off base. After being out with his buddies he saw a very sick looking boy. He asked the interpreter what was wrong with this child. He was told that the boy’s mother had taken him to a doctor but didn’t have enough money for his medicine. Bill reached in his pocket and all that  was left was 25 cents. His eyes glistened even as he told this story.

For a moment, imagine you were talking to the good Samaritan that Jesus told about, like we talked to Bill today. Don’t you think he would be glad he crossed the road that day? Don’t you think he would be glad he was able to help the injured man? Don’t you think he would be so glad he had the resources to help him? There are things in life we cannot do and we regret, and there are other things we can do and the memory brings us joy the rest of our life.

May your life be filled with joy with very few regrets.

Pink Tulip

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We saw a lovely patch of pretty pink tulips on our walk recently. The wind was blowing and these tulips were swaying and I despaired of ever catching one for reference. Mike did it!

Tulips are usually the third of the Spring flowers to bloom. I enjoy the crocus’ first word that Spring is very near, even if we have a few more freezing nights. The next are the Daffodils. Beautiful with lots of different forms and colors. But the Tulips are a sure sign, there won’t be any more freezing! Summer is not far away.

Their petals are so soft to the touch, yet strong enough to bear with strong winds and hard rain.

My heart is full of thanks to God for His beautiful creation. He didn’t have to make our world so beautiful and orderly. He didn’t have to give us eyes to see both shape and color! How great is our God!