Wildflower Doodle

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A Wildflower Doodle

This Wildflower Doodle was just fun! I spend a lot of time trying to be precise and attending to details. This exercise was one of delight in putting colors on paper with only a minimum of attention to how wildflowers grow in the ‘wild.’ This was mostly imagination and fun with colors.

I think God had FUN when He was creating. He must have laughed at how some of the animals and plants turned out. Someone asked Tommy Tyson, a wonderfully sincere preacher, “Does God laugh?” He answered, “I don’t know for sure, but He sure fixed me so I could!”

If this little doodle doesn’t make you smile, find something that does. I think it is time for even more than just a smile or soft chuckle. I think it is time for a good old-fashioned belly laugh.

Giant Tree and Canopy

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Giant Tree and Canopy

Mike took the reference photo when we were walking in our local park. This giant and its nearby friends spread a canopy over much of our path. Mike had to almost hug the tree to get the shot.

Living in the tropics where one can ‘plant’ a stick and it will grow into a tree, still does not prepare you to gaze at a giant like this without a sense of awe.

Our God is Mighty, like this huge trunk and spreading branches. And He is Merciful, like the leafy canopy that provides shade even on the hottest days. Let’s give Him praise from hearts full of wonder.


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Watercolor Strawberry

This is another tutorial exercise from Anna Mason. Wow, trying to keep track of those little seeds was a challenge I didn’t quite meet. But overall, this strawberry makes me hungry for some strawberries and cream!

The lesson I see in this one is that we can focus so much on the tiny seeds that we miss the whole fruit. When we are looking for ‘growth’ or ‘change’ in ourselves or others, we may miss the blessings of lives lived for His glory and joy.

Tiny Gems

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Tiny Gems

I call this sketch, “Tiny Gems”. These flowers are about the size of your little fingernail. These are either weeds or wildflowers. They are only noticeable if you take the time to look for them. Our neighbor cultivates the Little Birds, but the rest were found along paths in parks.

Perhaps these tiny blossoms or their leaves or roots have a known reason for existence, but to most of us who notice them, they are just pretty and intriguing for their intricacy.

Like the leaves I painted last week, I see God’s handiwork in these tiny flowers. Then I remember Psa. 103:15-18. “The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field, the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts”.

We can just live our little life like grass, and then be blown away and remembered no more. Or we can honor God, remember his precepts and treasure his covenant with us in Jesus. We can know and share His love and live eternally with Him. Wow, what a big lesson from such tiny gems.

Face to Face

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In the last couple months I faced fear. It was not just a phobia about an imagined, possible danger. It was a specific and potentially very serious situation.

So, as I had faced fears before I went back to Isaiah 41: 10 and 13.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.’”

As before, I poured out my heart with its fear to God. I imagined Him walking along side of me and reaching out with his right hand to support me. But then it says God would take hold of my right hand. Oops. Did God and I have to switch places or did He just reach across me and take my right hand? The image was getting all muddled and I was distracted and couldn’t seem to get the comfort I remembered from other times of fear.

Suddenly, the image changed. Instead of God and I walking side by side while I poured out my heart to Him, we were facing each other. As I poured out my fear, He reached out with his right hand and supported my left elbow. Giving me just the support I needed to stand. Then He looked into my eyes and said, “I am the Lord your God.” I could no longer see what I was afraid of. His face came between me and my fear. His eyes locked on mine and He assured me He is my God and the Lord of my life. He was holding my right hand encouraging me and helping me keep my eyes on Him.

I’m so thankful that God’s comfort that is so different from the world’s. Where the world tells us to toughen up and stand, God says He will support us so we can stand. When the world tells us that whatever we are afraid of is nothing. God acknowledges our fear and says He is with us and won’t let go.

Instead of my focus being on these dark days and so many concerns, I’m more and more looking in my Father’s eyes and hearing Him tell me not to fear and that He will help me or the ones I’m praying for.
This image has changed much of my time in God’s presence these days. It is not fear that drives me to His presence. It is desire to see His face between me and my concerns, my intercessions for others, and my deep desire to see revival in our land.