The Walls are Destroyed

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Ephesians Devotions – part 7

An overview of Ephesians Chapter 2

In my continuing effort to absorb Paul’s teaching for the Ephesians, I see this second chapter as about walls.

Paul begins the second chapter of his letter to the Ephesian church by speaking to the Gentile believers. He describes the life of sin. He says they were following the ways of the world, listening to the spirit that works in the those who are disobedient to God, satisfying the cravings of their flesh and carrying out the desires of their body and mind. He sums this up by saying everyone is by nature deserving of God’s wrath. There is only one sentence for a life lived in sin. It is death. (Eph. 2: 1-3)

That sounds completely hopeless! And it is, if we are depending on our own ability to please God. Paul begins the next sentence with, “But. . .” There is an answer to this fatal attraction to and life of sin. The answer is God’s great love and the mercy that He shows us. God makes us alive with Christ. (Eph. 2;5-7)

I will come back to the next few verses, but first it would be helpful to look at the other members of the church. The others were Jewish converts to Christianity. The Jews had received covenant promises from God. They looked down on everyone who was not circumcised, which was the sign of their covenant with God. There was a great wall between Jews and everyone they considered ‘the uncircumcised.’ Circumcision was done by human hands to the body. It was a reminder of the covenant, but did nothing in itself to save the Jews. Nevertheless, Gentiles were alienated from Israel, they were strangers to the promises, without hope and without God. There was a very secure, strong wall of division between Jews and Gentiles. (Ephesians 2: 11-12)

Jesus destroyed the wall

The Berlin Wall before and after its destruction

Like the Berlin Wall was totally destroyed, Jesus totally destroyed the wall between the Jews and Gentiles. He destroyed the wall by his death on the cross. His blood made the way for the Gentiles to come near to God. And He overcame the Law with all its rules and regulations by the very same blood so the Jews could come near to God. (Even the best of the Jews could never fulfil all the laws.)

Instead of two groups of people trying to find a way to please God, Christ joined the two groups into one. No more were the Jews required to fulfil all the law and no more were the Gentiles excluded from worship of God. Now all people everywhere, have one way to be reconciled to God. Jesus came to preach peace to Jews and Gentiles alike. (Ephesians 2: 13-17)


Paul uses different ways to express the resulting peace since the hostility has been destroyed. He says we are one body, one new humanity. Now in this new body, we all have access to God, the Father, through the Holy Spirit. We are fellow citizens. There are no more, citizens and foreigners or strangers. We are all part of God’s household, his huge extended family! We are like a building based on the teachings of the apostles and prophets. Jesus himself is like the cornerstone that holds the whole structure together. We are growing up to be a holy temple to the Lord, a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Paul is overwhelmed with the enormity of this concept of peace and unity. (Ephesians 2:17-22)

I want to finish this part of the study by returning to verses 8 – 10. In the last devotional we looked at these verses from the personal point of view. This time, it is good to think about these verses in relation to the whole body of Christ.

It is by God’s grace given to all of us that we have been saved. This grace is only accessible to us through faith. It has nothing to do with anything we did or can do. It is a gift! Gifts are not earned; they are freely given. Our salvation is freely given to us when we believe. We can’t boast about how righteous and pleasing we are to God. There is nothing we do or don’t do that could ever earn God’s pleasure.

We are made by God. He made us to do good works. They are not work we do to earn His love, but rather because we have received His love. He prepared these works for us to do. We do what He shows us to do.

Because He loves us and rescued us from our own striving to please Him, we want to do whatever He has made us to do. That is a really refreshing thought. We don’t have to do rituals or make sacrifices or try to figure out what pleases God. We just have to believe Him, love Him, and do what blesses and makes life better for our family, our friends, and anyone God brings across our path. We can do that and that pleases God. Let’s rejoice in this peace and show God’s love and grace to everyone around us!

There are no second-class believers. How we came to believe in Jesus doesn’t make any of us better or worse than others. We all have equal access to the Father through the Spirit. If we see other brothers or sisters worshipping differently from us, that doesn’t make them better or worse believers. If others use a different translation of the Bible, that doesn’t make them more or less spiritual.

Jesus’ whole purpose was to bring all believers into one body and that body to be reconciled to God and have constant communion with Him and each other. He wanted nothing to keep us apart and distant from God, especially our faulty human ways of trying to please Him. He destroyed the walls. He didn’t just punch a hole in them, He totally destroyed them. We must be tireless in keeping the walls from being rebuilt. We must continue to hold hands and join our hearts with believers everywhere in praising and honoring our Lord and Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Give Thanks

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Give Thanks

It’s Fall and time to think about harvest! What better symbol for harvest is there in America, than the pumpkin! I had been wanting to do a more extensive painting for fall than just colored leaves.

Our God has blessed us abundantly! We may be isolated, but He hasn’t forgotten us! He has provided so much for us! Let’s give thanks for His gracious gifts and share with those less fortunate than ourselves!


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The Inktober prompt was ‘Slippery.’ What can be more slippery than ice? If you watch the news, even in small doses, you may feel like we are on a slippery slope. The only way to stand on ice is to have reliable support, like a railing that cannot move. Our only reliable support in the current slippery slope is our faith in One who holds our hand.  

Psa. 139:7-12- “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, ‘Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,’ even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.”

He knows and He won’t let go of us.


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Mike took the photo of these Azalea blooms last year when we were in the States. I’m spending time every day on pen and ink, but I really wanted to also paint a flower. Mike helped me choose this one.

It seems like we cannot get away from bad or discouraging or frustrating news. I’ll bet you get weighed down by it at times too. I’m not struggling with my faith, but I am struggling with my emotions. These glorious blooms, bright and cheery and fresh helped to lift my emotions. I smile every time I look at them, I hope they help you smile too!


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Bulky Slow Poke

The Inktober prompt was, ‘Bulky.’ When Mike showed me the picture he took on his walk, I knew this would be my ‘Bulky’. I don’t remember seeing a snail climb a tree before. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to carry that Bulky shell up a tree! Snails are also known for being slow! So my thought today is that even when our burden is ‘bulky’, speed isn’t what is most important. Continuing to do what is right and good, blesses our family and friends, honors God, and will be rewarded.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” – Gal. 6:9