Fall Leaf Practice

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Fall Leaf Practice

I love the Fall season and am using it to learn new techniques to add color. This is called wet on wet.

When our youngest son was a preteen, he learned about fractals. These are mathematical concepts that can describe a design. A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. This concept helps to explain why we can say that this is a maple leaf, although every maple leaf is different. The design or pattern is the same for every maple leaf. I see the hand of the Creator in this. He did not make a chaotic world for us. It is a complex world, but the natural world has order and design. Life would be impossible in chaos.

Snowdrop Flower

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Snowdrop Flower

Being an American living in Malaysia for many years, January to March has always seemed a little strange to me. In America, ‘cabin fever’ is a real possibility because of snow and ice outside. Living in the tropics, there’s never been a time when ‘cabin fever’ has been a potential problem. This year is different. Many people the world over are suffering ‘cabin fever’ no matter what the weather is like outside.

So, blending the idea of snow with tropical green growth, I decided on this little Snowdrop flower for my watercolor this week. I’m still working on getting white on white nailed down. Colors are easy and fun, but white is counterintuitive. I have to paint dark to see white.

Are we shining bright with the dark contrast behind us? Jesus said, ‘. . .let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.’ (Matt. 5:16)

Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird

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Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Share my amazement at what I learned about this hummingbird. It is so very little, about 3 inches long with about a 4 inch wingspan and weighing about one tenth of an ounce! The bill is about 3/4 of an inch long! Its heart beats up to 1,260 beats per minute with 250 breaths per minute, even at rest.

It breeds mostly in the Eastern US and SE Canada, but it migrates as far as Panama. This migration includes a 500 mile nonstop journey over the water of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Only God could make this possible! It boggles my mind!

As I painted this bird, I was in awe of the fine details the Creator put into the pattern and coloring of her. Then as I read the description, I was even more surprised by the feat of design that makes its migration possible. And this is just one very tiny creature in all of creation! If God cares about this little hummingbird, imagine how much He cares for us!

The Mystery that Makes Us One

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Ephesians Devotions – part 9

Ephesians 3:1-12

O come, desire of nations, bind
In one the hearts of all mankind
Bid Thou our sad divisions cease
And be Thyself our King of peace

These are the words of a verse of the Christmas Carol, O Come, O Come Emmanuel. This could be the cry of Paul’s heart as he writes the words of Ephesians chapter 3.

Paul lays out the mystery from before creation that was not known by people of earlier generations than his. It wasn’t even known by the heavenly beings. It was God’s secret intention.

The first part of the mystery was that by Jesus’ sinless life and death the door would open for human beings to be God’s children forgiven and redeemed.

The bigger revelation of the mystery was given to the apostles and prophets after Pentecost.

“This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.” Eph. 3:6

The whole point of God’s mystery was that He had provided a way for all mankind, no matter what they had previously believed, to now be one together in faith. As John 1:12 says, “To those who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

Now, anyone, anywhere, any tribe, any language, any background has a way to be included as God’s child, His possession, His!  All they need to do is believe in Jesus Christ!

God’s greatest desire that was worth all this planning and provision was to bring all people together as His family. This is the greatest ‘peace on earth’.

We have been able to see what happens to people when they find Jesus and believe in Him. He changes them and they grow more and more to be like Jesus. They meet together with other believers and form congregations to encourage and help each other grow in faith and to reach out to those not yet saved. This is all good and it shows the fruit of God’s great mystery.

I’ve been thinking and praying and living with this truth for the last few weeks. It has been stretching me. It has created a greater longing in me to see the church of Jesus Christ swell in numbers as people turn from whatever they were believing to believing in Jesus! I have a greater longing to see people get to know their God and Savior in a deeper and more personal way than ever before. The Church, God’s Body, His Temple, His Family in reality.

My question is: Is there any way I can help them draw closer to God? And how can I see more people find Jesus and grow in their knowledge and love of God?

On the other hand, this is why my heart is broken as I read about the fulfillment of this mystery.

I have heard of believers tearing apart their church! Telling lies, spreading rumors, dividing youth and adults, finding fault with the preaching or worship style. How my heart is grieved! I cannot put it in words. And I’m just one small child of God grieving! How God’s heart must grieve!

We thwart God’s plan when we create any divisions in His family. When we make up new rules or create more ways to judge whether someone is truly a child of God or not. More than ever before I want to see unity, fellowship, and love among believers everywhere.

We must heed Paul’s warning about hurting God’s dwelling place among us, the Body of Christ.

Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives among you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.  (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

God provided for the greatest divide to be bridged, the divide between Jews and all others. How dare we make divisions within His church, His body!

If you are a believer in Jesus, please understand this truth, God sent Jesus to die for our sins and to provide a way to bring us ALL together. We must do our part to bring unity and peace to everyone we know.

Forgive the pettiness and errors of others, have patience with those still growing in their understanding, and root out any critical thought that tries to divide you from others. Find the way of peace and joy!

May we see more peace and grace for all believers everywhere in this new year!

Scallop Seashell

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Scallop Shell

Painting white on white is actually painting barely tinted water on plain paper. Because our eyes understand, without being told, that what is deeper is darker and what is lighter is higher, we see this seashell’s slightly rounded shape. The whitest spots are called highlights. That’s because they are closer to the light source. Where there is a distinct line, the dark line looks darker because it is next to a lighter line. And the lightest lines look brighter because they are next to the darkest lines.

Our lives are like this seashell. When we go through hard experiences, disappointments, and failures; dark lines are drawn on our lives. But if we allow the Light of God to give us hope and faith and love, the next lines in our lives shine even brighter next to the dark ones. It is these experiences that shape our lives. There will be highlights, too. When God shines His Light like the radiance of the sun on a cloudless day, even the disappointments pale and we get a glint of the Son in our lives.

May we have many stories to share of God’s light in dark times that have shaped our lives for His purposes. Be ready to share these stories. God will use you to shine His light on others’ in their dark times.