The Relationship Account

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Developing and maintaining the satisfaction and happiness of our marriage is like putting money in the bank. When we make deposits in our relationship account, we build a positive balance. When we make too many withdrawals from our relationship account we soon have a deficit. All couples are happier when our relationship accounts are in the black, not in the red. But red numbers have their purpose too. They warn us to make some deposits or risk bankruptcy!

How do we make deposits in our relationship?

We have many opportunities every day to make deposits in our relationship account. Whenever we turn towards our spouse, responding positively, we add to our account. Most of our deposits are small, but like cents, they can mount up over time.

Let’s look at some ways we can reach out for connection and ways we may respond. But first, some definitions. In the table below, approaches are the ways we try to create a moment of connection with our spouse. Responses are the different ways we show that we want to connect too.

A glance, a wink, a nodA smile, a wave, a flying kiss
A messageA smiley face or short answer
Calling their name“What?” spoken pleasantly
A pat, a kiss, a hugA reciprocal physical sign of affection
Ask for help by word or actionOffer to help
Express a need or desireRecognition and plan for fulfilling
Offering to help or do a choreGratefully accepting

These were all positive responses to different kinds of approaches. Practiced consistently, they will all add to the happiness of your relationship. In other words, you get a richer marriage through investment.

How do we make withdrawals in our relationship?

We also have many opportunities to withdraw from the relationship account. Our negative response may be to turn away from our mate or to turn against them. Turning away will subtract a small amount, but turning against subtracts much more. Note that all of the reactions in the table below are negatives. The difference is the degree of irritation or outright hostility they express. Those on the left (turning away) are irritating. Those on the right are much more damaging.

Turning AwayTurning Against
Not responding to our name being calledSnarling, “What!”
Ignoring comments- too distracted to hearAnswering with a complaint or criticism
Forgetting appointments with spouseNot making appointments with spouse
Getting discouragedPicking fights

Whenever we turn away from, or turn against our spouse, we hurt our relationship. It is not possible to make deposits in your relationship account if you don’t choose to turn towards your spouse when they send a cue for connection. When we notice too many withdrawals, we must move quickly to deposit time, attention, and action into our relationship. Gottmans estimate from their research that it takes five positive connections to neutralize one negative response. This is why we really must keep adding to our account and limiting our withdrawals.

Lesson 3- The Relationship Account

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Lesson 2 showed the importance of friendship to your marital and parenting relationship. Lesson 3 helps you identify ways you build or withdraw from your relationship. Without a healthy relationship account, you will not be ready to deal with the stresses of parenting. This is vital.

Most couples start off marriage with lots of credit in their relationship account. They have been depositing a lot because most of their responses to their spouse’s approaches have been positive. But with beginning their life together, there are the inevitable irritations. Some of their approaches have been ignored and some have been rebuffed. What they do about those withdrawals will have a strong impact on the health of their relationship. Adding the complications of a pregnancy and delivery and then infancy, those withdrawals usually increase.

This lesson will explain more about what happens in approaches for connection and the responses we get. Masters have learned the importance of connections, how to make connections, and what to do when the connections are not made.

Begin this lesson by reading, “The Relationship Account.”
Then watch the 4.45 minute YouTube video by Christina Tretee, for more explanation of the Gottmans’ bids.

The next part of this assignment is to understand Relationship Disconnects. Read “Relationship Disconnects.” In the next lesson we will talk more about expressing our needs and desires and get some practice in these skills.

Zach Brittle explains why you want to learn to turn towards your spouse. He explains more about why you may be missing your spouse’s bids. Take the time to consider his questions at the end to evaluate your own ability to approach and respond to your partner. Read: “Zach Brittle- Turn Towards.

We also need to turn towards and not away from our baby or child. Begin by reading “Dad and Baby.” Follow that by reading, “Turn Towards Your Child.”

This week practice turning towards your spouse. Be sure to let your spouse know they are doing a good job of noticing and responding positively to your bids for connection. When you miss an approach or reject an approach, take time to talk about what happened. Apologize and find a way to connect again. When your spouse misses it, don’t criticize or withdraw from them. Find a time to discuss what happened and show compassion. Sometime soon, you’ll need their compassion when you miss a bid.

Take some time to use the Gottman card deck,  “Love Maps

Pink Magnolia Bloom

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Pink Magnolia Bloom

This is a pink Magnolia blossom. One of the highlights of Spring in the US is the Magnolia gardens. The fragrance and the brilliant, hearty flowers are such a treat to the senses.

I had been disappointed in my attempt to paint a pink/purple Zinnia flower. I tried the method of putting down layer after layer to build up the color, but it looked dull and didn’t excite interest in that lovely flower. Finally, I had tried too much and that painting had to be set aside as a learning experience.

That’s when I decided to take this Anna Mason tutorial to learn how to paint this vibrant pink/purple color. I learned a lot about mixing the colors and why to add some subtle hues here and there and others to avoid altogether for this flower.

My take-away from this experience is that we need to know when to quit trying and to ask help from someone who knows. All I was doing with the Zinnia was adding a little of one hue then a little of another. But I didn’t know what I was doing and it became muddy. With a teacher who knew the right way, I could follow step by step and see success.

I needed to be willing to ask for help and start all over again. It was well worth the time and effort!

Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

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I finished the mate to the Ruby Throated Hummingbird that I painted in January. He is much smaller than the female, but oh the colors are so beautiful.

This was a delight to paint! He brought such joy as he came to life on the paper. Someday I want to see this little bird dip his long beak deep in a flower for a sip of the nectar!

I had a day this week when everything seemed to weigh so heavily on me and I felt so anxious. I felt my Father would be pleased if I would just lie down in green pastures. No, there are no green pastures near here and I’m not the type of girl who lies down in grass anyway. But I had a comfortable place to lie down and let God refresh my soul. As I thought of things that troubled me, I felt His Spirit lift them from me. Little by little I was so refreshed. I slept soundly for a while and woke refreshed and ready to enjoy His world again.

I found myself humming, This is My Father’s World. If you haven’t thought of the song in a while or never really listened to the words, you might enjoy reading them at:

It is Well with My Soul

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When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.


My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.


But, Lord, “˜tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh trump of the angel! Oh voice of the Lord!
Bless’d hope, bless’d rest of my soul!


And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
