Baby Expressions

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Have you been observing your baby or child to know them even better? Do you know how he/she reacts to tastes, smells, noise, smiles, hugs, strangers, and being alone? I’m sure you already know the answers to many of these.

Some of these preferences are based in their personality and won’t change much throughout life. But others may change very often. What they liked yesterday, they may hate today. Their choice of toys and games they play with you changes very quickly too. So stay flexible and alert.

Though little babies do not understand your words, they do understand your tone. So, as you notice something about them, talk about it. Say things like, “I see you really like bananas today. Bananas are yummy.” Or “Ah, so you don’t want to play Peek-a-Boo right now. This Little Piggy is your favorite game today.” As you practice reflecting out loud what you are observing about your baby and child, you build bridges with them. They will feel more connected to you and your parent-child relationship strengthens.

What is he trying to tell you?
How asleep is she?

I have a fun exercise for you to try now. There are different levels of consciousness that you can observe even in little babies. Go to, States of Consciousness, with pictures of these levels of consciousness. Try to match the pictures with the descriptions. See how well you do. Then be aware of how your baby demonstrates these levels of consciousness. (Note: Both parents should try this!) For more on this, see Healthy Children’s article: States of Consciousness in Newborns.

Then go to:  Baby Emotions. Since babies cannot tell you in words, it is important we can identify their facial expressions. See how well you do at recognizing these Baby Emotions. Be sure to tell your baby what you observe. They will learn the words for the emotions they feel as you continue to use the correct words. Of course, sometimes you will miss it entirely. That’s OK, keep practicing and you will get better at this non-verbal communication. If you would like more on identifying baby emotions, see the article: Decoding Baby’s Expressions

As we gain knowledge of each other and each of our children, we have a better ‘map’ to their heart. Do whatever you can, even in small ways, to build your understanding and create meaningful connections. It’s an idea with a great future investment.

The Thankful Lover

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By Mike Constantine at

My friend’s father had a serious emotional infection. Let’s call it Paralysed Appreciation Disorder, or PAD. He simply could not express thankfulness or appreciation. His wife suffered most from her husband’s disorder. No matter what she did, big or small, her husband would never thank her

Sometimes she tried to force him to express appreciation by doing some distasteful task, like cleaning the mud off his shoes. Still he said nothing. The dear woman didn’t want much. She just wanted to know the man she married needed her and appreciated her. Surely every good wife needs that, and deserves it too.

Over the years Ken’s mom became mentally ill, and because of that, unpredictable. Some would say her husband’s lack of appreciation contributed to her illness. It’s possible.

Late in his life, Ken’s dad developed a painful condition that put him in hospital. Ken went to visit his dad one day and found his mother there. She had a big jar of greasy ointment (like Vaseline) which she intended to use to massage her husband’s back. Ken wanted to stop her. Greasing her husband like a pig for roasting could not make him feel any better. Besides, she was crazy right?

Just at the moment when he would have stepped between his crazy mother and his ailing father, a small inner voice stopped him. He stood there, motionless, and watched as she scooped out a large glob of ointment and spread it on her husband’s back. It had to feel awful. As she rubbed, she kept asking, in her dreamy, feeble-minded voice, “Is it all right, Darling? Is it all right?” For the first time in his life, the first time in more than thirty years, Ken heard his father appreciate his mother: “Yes, Darling, it’s all right. Thank you.”

The first Thanksgiving came late in life for that man. Ken’s father died the next day. But that is not the end of the story. From the moment her husband thanked her, Ken’s mother changed. Her mind began healing. What a pity her husband hadn’t thanked her years before, and often.

I wonder how many of us have partners who are withering inside, like a plant without water, because we don’t thank and appreciate them.

People in Asia, where my wife and I have spent many years, are great at appreciation. Dinners, expensive gifts to valued customers, lavish gift baskets at Chinese New Year and Christmas– all display the value they place on clients and customers.

We receive a lot of appreciation here, too, and deeply appreciate each one who has encouraged us with their kind words. Each time it refreshed and strengthened. Yet we know that some of those who expressed such sincere appreciation to us rarely thank or appreciate their marriage partners.

What Would You Miss?

In one of our marriage seminars I asked our friends, Art and Eugenia, to stage a big argument right in the middle of the session. They did it superbly. They stood apart, arms folded, glaring at each other in anger. They acted it so well that I didn’t know what to do with them.

Then I got an idea. Pretending my white board marker was a gun, I shot the wife. Like the great actress she is, she collapsed convincingly. Then I said to her husband, “Art, I just shot your wife dead. What do you miss?” Tears came to his eyes. Not stage tears. Real tears. He told us that he missed the woman who was such a great mom to his kids. But what he missed most was his best friend.

When he said that, a miracle happened! Eugenia was resurrected from the dead! Running to her husband, she cried, “Honey, why didn’t you say so before?”

Another man at the seminar, Fred, was married to his first wife, Mary, for many years. They had a good life. Then cancer attacked Mary, eventually killing her. For many months Fred grieved for his wife, often breaking into tears at unexpected moments as a memory pierced his heart.

That happened one day when he was ironing some handkerchiefs. “I wonder,” he said to himself as his tears fell, “how many handkerchiefs she ironed for me?” Calculating the number of handkerchiefs he used in a week, and the number of years they were married, Fred estimated that she had ironed several thousand. “Did I ever thank her?” he thought.

Not long after that, Fred was looking through a box of his wife’s keepsakes. He found a note he had written many years earlier. He couldn’t remember exactly when. It simply said, “Thank you . . . for ironing all my handkerchiefs.”

If Fred could talk to you personally, he would encourage you to appreciate your spouse every day. The day may come when you will not have the opportunity.

Appreciation invigorates. We impart new life and purpose. And, we let our spouses know that they are meeting needs in our lives that no one else can touch. Who else knows you so well, yet loves you so much?

Medical science will probably find, if they haven’t found it already, that appreciated people live longer, healthier lives. It wouldn’t surprise me.

Why not start making life healthier for your spouse today? Make appreciation and thankfulness a daily practice, a habit that never dies. You’ll be thankful you did.


  1. Begin a thankful list for your spouse. Be sure to include some specifics, not just generalities.
  2. Find at least one opportunity to thank your spouse today. Do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, until appreciation becomes a habit in your marriage.

Affirm Your Spouse

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From Mike Constantine at

Let me affirm you, Mike. You are doing all the right things to help that man.”

So said a professor of counseling at Wheaton College when I asked his advice about a tough counseling case. You see, sometimes people’s problems are so complex that it’s hard to know if we can help or not. Those words, especially coming from a man with his credentials, really helped me. What that professor did for me, husbands and wives can do for each other.

Affirmation is a great word. The Latin root means to make firm, to strengthen. Applied to facts, it means to add our testimony to the fact in order to strengthen it. With people, it is similar. When we speak to them in a way that makes them stronger, firmer, more resolute, we are affirming them. Here’s an example from the Bible:

Dear brothers and sisters, we always thank God for you, as is right, for we are thankful that your faith is flourishing and you are ll growing in love for each other. –2 Thessalonians 1:3 (NLT)

Mighty messenger he was, but Paul always had the heart of a father when writing to the people he cared about. And he always began his letters with affirmation. He might have some hard things to say to them, but he never wanted them to doubt his love or their value to Christ.

Everyone needs to know that someone valuable sees their worth and progress. Though we can survive without such affirmation, we may not thrive without it.

The Disease: Hyper-criticism

Many people have a soul disease that causes selective blindness, deafness, and loss of speech. They see every fault, but are blind to every blessing. Their hearing is acutely tuned to every slip of the tongue, every inaccurate word or phrase. But they miss the wisdom, the joy, the pleasure of listening to their loved ones with their hearts.

Their tongues can race like an untamed horse at a full gallop, clawing away at the exposed souls of their spouses. But they are struck dumb in expressing appreciation or admiration. Such a pathetic condition! They claim they can see, hear, and speak as well as the next person. But they don’t have any idea how sick they are, what that sickness is doing to them, or worst of all, what it is doing to their spouses and children.

I suppose some caught this disease when they were young. Growing up in a home without affirmation can create such attitudes. It’s selective, though. Some who never heard a kind word all their lives become fountains of praise and affirmation. It is as though the same atmosphere poisoned one and purified another.

The cure: Grace

If you are infected and tired of living with this crippling disease in your soul, I know a great cure. Grace. And grace has only one source: it always comes from God. Christians believe it comes only through Christ. He is the only fountain. Whatever fills us controls us. When we are in a relationship with Christ he fills us with grace.

Grace clarifies our vision, opens our deaf ears, and makes our destructive tongues instruments of healing. We become less critical and less cruel. Instead, we begin noticing the good, the progress, the value of the people around us. Then they change. Drooping shoulders straighten; dull eyes brighten; confidence grows.

Reasons We Do Not Affirm

Here are four reasons we fail to affirm:

Too Angry: Angry people never say words that heal and strengthen. Often their anger comes with reluctance to forgive. Their souls are more like barren deserts than gardens, and hot withering winds blow from them.

Too Busy: Busy people are moving too fast to see anybody, except maybe the idiots who, they think,  are only on this earth to frustrate them.

Too Self-Centered: When it’s all about you, no one else really matters.

Too Weird: True spirituality makes us lovers– people who touch those around us with the grace of God. But there is a counterfeit spirituality that isolates us in our dogma. Most dogmatic people only care about being right, not about helping someone else feel worthwhile.

I’d like to affirm you. No matter who you are, no matter what you think about yourself, God loves you! As the Bible says, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, and your household.” –Acts 16:31

Already a believer in Jesus, but still feel incapable of affirming your loved ones? Ask God to change your heart, fill you with love, and give you a new way to see, to hear, and to speak. I promise you: he will do it. This truth I can affirm!

Affirm and Appreciate

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As you’ve probably already seen, having a baby adds lots of stress to our lives. When we’re tired and stressed, we become irritable. Irritable people say things they would never say when they are rested and happy. They also fail to say some of the nice things that make life more enjoyable. We’ll always have stress. And babies, as much as we want them and love them, add a ton of stress to our lives.  That’s why it’s important that we focus on, and work at, strengthening our love for each other, even in the stressful times. Building up our spouse pays huge dividends!

There are two great ways to ease stress and strengthen our marital bond: affirmation and appreciation. Affirmations are positive, true statements. These have a strong effect because they are spoken by one we love and are committed to. Appreciation is acknowledging what someone has done for us and showing we recognize their effort. Our goal is to try to replace any sharp, hurtful words with affirming or appreciative words. Now let’s look more closely at each of those qualities.

Husband and Wife talking

We deepen our friendship when we express and receive compliments. Affirmation and thankfulness are strong relationship boosters.

In some marriages, there is very little affirmation and appreciation. The inability to receive a compliment soon stops the flow of affirmation. Getting embarrassed, ignoring, or denying the heartfelt words hurts the giver. Do this often enough and your spouse will quit giving you compliments and affirmation.

On the other hand, you may find it hard to put your positive feelings into words. Your spouse could be dying to hear you say anything positive about them. With a little bit of practice and the genuine appreciation of your spouse, giving words of affirmation and thankfulness will come easier.

It is good to practice giving and receiving words of affirmation and appreciation. It is even better when it becomes such a natural part of your communication that you say and receive these words in very ordinary moments, doing ordinary tasks.

How Healthy is Your Marriage?

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From Mike Constantine at

An epidemic is sweeping the world. If this epidemic were medical in nature, if it was, for instance, a deadly virus that brought a painful death, the world’s citizens would fight it with every weapon and tactic. But this epidemic doesn’t cause sickness and death, at least not directly.

This is an epidemic of lifeless, joyless marriages and homes. It represents a social and spiritual catastrophe, a rising tide of broken relationships and broken people. You will find the symptoms in every country, in every culture, in all economic conditions. Sometimes it leads to divorce, sometimes only to chronic tension and unhappiness.

The technical word for this sickness is dysfunctional, as in, “They have a dysfunctional relationship.” But let’s not get too technical. Dysfunctional simply means, according to the Oxford Dictionary, not operating normally or properly. In other words, these marriages are broken and needing repair. How badly broken? How much repair do they need? It varies, but generally speaking, the longer the problems have been neglected, the more damage there is to repair.

You might think that some couples are immune, but that is not true. Whatever their station in life, whatever their financial situation, whatever their religion or spiritual condition, no one is immune. Business leaders or clerks, pastors or church members, rich or poor, marital breakdowns happen to them all. It can even happen to you.

How Healthy is Your Marriage?

Take a look at the statements that follow and evaluate your marriage. But one word of warning! It is so easy to use these statements to find fault with your husband or wife. Don’t do it, please. Instead, ask yourself what you could do to bring a positive change in each area.

Here are eight indicators that help determine the health of a marriage. After reading each indicator, write down the number that best indicates your rating for your marriage today. Be as honest as you can.

  1. A general sense of tension in your marriage relationship. All marriages have tense moments, even tense times, but constant tension suggests unresolved problems. The normal condition of a healthy marriage is peace, not tension.


Occasional 2——–4——–6——-8 Constant

  1. A decrease in laughter and overall happiness. Joy is also the normal condition of a healthy marriage, yet some couples cannot remember the last time both were joyful in their marriage. Rather than energizing them, their marriage drains them. How about your marriage? Do you laugh with each other? Does anything about your relationship bring you joy? When was the last time that simply thinking about your husband or wife brought a smile to your face?


Usually 2——–4——–6——-8 Seldom

  1. You are easily distracted and find it hard to give one another your complete attention. Occasional distractions happen to everyone. If you have children, you will have more distractions. Wise couples learn how to focus on their relationship, planning time to pay special attention to each other. Couples in danger believe the lie that there is no time to find. Can you identify with this comment from one of our seminar attendees?

I cannot remember when we had our last heart-to-heart talk. We act like everything else is more important than special times for ourselves. Our lives are a swarm of urgent demands clamoring for our attention.


Seldom 2——–4——–6——-8 Usually

  1. Electronic media takes the place of face-to-face communication. TV can entertain, educate, and enlighten. But do you ever use the TV to avoid each other? Does the TV or the internet dictate your daily schedule? Do you have the willpower to turn them off and do something more helpful for your marriage?

Electronic Media:

Right amount 2——–4——–6——-8 Too Much

  1. As a couple, you are not communicating effectively. Every couple develops their own patterns of communication, but sometimes those patterns are unhealthy. If you have put each other in solitary confinement, if you no longer take the time to discuss important concerns, you are in danger.


Discuss 2——–4——–6——-8 Avoid

  1. Sexual intimacy has become more a bother, less a blessing. Sexual fulfillment is one of Gods most exciting gifts to married couples. A healthy sexual relationship strengthens intimacy, relieves tension, and is fun! Do you both feel sexually satisfied in your marriage?

Sexual Satisfaction:

Fulfilled 2——–4——–6——-8 Frustrated

  1. Little things make you angry. You are easily irritated. Irritability develops when we neglect intimacy. We find the tone of our voice becoming more sharp. We get offended easily. We avoid each other.

Anger and Irritation:

Seldom 2——–4——–6——-8 Chronic

  1. You and your spouse have separate agendas, but no common activities. One couple we know look great to casual acquaintances. Nice home, prosperous, active in church and very involved in their careers. But if you scanned their date books you would notice that they have no time for each other or for their relationship. In fact, they had developed separate lives. It doesnt happen in a moment. It happens when we stop thinking as a couple and only think about our individual lives, careers, and activities.


Healthy 2——–4——–6——-8 Little or None

Now add up your score. If you scored:

20 or less- You have a great marriage and are mutually fulfilled in it.

21 to 39- You have a good marriage, but it could be great with just a little extra attention.

40 to 49– You are experiencing significant stress in your marriage, and little fulfillment.

50 and Above- You are probably unhappily married. Scores this high usually indicate a severely neglected marriage.

Can couples have a high score and still stay together? Yes, for divorce is only one way couples deal with a declining marriage. Some remain married legally, but let their marriages die relationally. They keep up appearances, but there is pain in their eyes and voices, especially in their unguarded moments.

Good news! You can change if you want to change.

How do you show each other you really want to change? Pick one area in your marriage that needs work and find something you can do to make it better. For instance, if you’re having too much face time with Facebook, turn it off, find your spouse, and do something together that you will both enjoy.

Take a walk. Have a talk. Watch a movie. Read a book. Sit quietly and closely. Dream together. Then, do it again tomorrow. Use your imagination. Just make sure you both do something that helps. And keep it positive.

You need to rediscover each other as friends, so can the criticisms. Some of your irritations will die on their own if you starve them.


  1. Which warning signal would be the easiest one for you to improve in your own marriage?
  2. Which warning signal do you think would be the hardest to improve? Why?
  3. What could both of you do, starting today, to make your marriage more healthy?