Artistic Inspirations Booklet 1

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I’ve had lots of requests for a book of my artwork with inspirational thoughts. This is my first booklet. I look forward to publishing more. I’ve been able to set it up in different formats. This first one is a flipbook. It displays beautifully on a computer screen. The second link makes the book available on phones or tablets.

Click on the picture to open my first Artistic Inspirations Booklet. This flipbook is best seen on a computer.

The pdf version is best seen on hand held devices. You can download a copy by clicking on this link: Booklet 1

Day Lily Center

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Day Lily Center

Usually when we see a flower, we comment on its shape and color. We mostly pay attention to its petals. And that is as it should be. But when Mike took the photo of the center of this day lily, I was fascinated and decided I’d paint it. The flower center is only about an inch in diameter. The painting is 5×7. That center is the reason for those lovely petals. The center is where the purpose of the flower is carried out. Without the pistol and stamen there would not be new growth and the promise of multiplication.

Now when people look at us, they see our body and actions. But the really important part of us is our center; our soul and spirit. That is where our purpose and motivations originate. That’s where the seeds are formed that will multiply and spread.

Are you caring for your soul? Are you feeding it on God’s Word and watering it with the Spirit? Are you growing seeds to share?

Purple Iris

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I always look forward to Iris blooming! I was interested to learn the names for the two different kinds of petals on these flowers. The three outside petals that drape downward are called “Falls.” The three inside petals that stand up straight are called, “Standards.” So the common name, “Flags,” is quite appropriate.

These flowers help us praise God. In humility, we humbly fall down before the One who loves us. And with hearts full of thankfulness we raise and wave our hands in surrender and honor.

He has made us to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.

Let’s join the Iris in lifting our hands and hearts to God today.

Mistakes and All

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Pen and ink leave no room for corrections. I’m trying to learn not to try to fix a stray stroke. Since it cannot be ‘fixed’ I need to either accept it without rejecting the whole or find a way to incorporate the mistake into the design.

God does a much better job of that than me. My sins, He forgives, when I repent. The consequences may not be erased, however. He uses those to help us resist sin in the future and to give us testimonies to share that help others. He incorporates our humanity into His plan. He makes something beautiful of our lives. I’m so grateful He doesn’t throw us away for our straying from the design. But He uses all of it for His good purpose.

Wave Tangle

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The Wave Tangle is all one color, yet because of the patterns of strokes its tones vary. This tangle has lots of little lines that fit together and work together to make a lovely picture.

I never get far from the thought of people as I ‘tangle.’ We are each part of a pattern in God’s great plan. When we join others like ourselves we work together to fulfill our part of the picture. As long as we stay within the lines (boundaries) God has set for us, we make the whole design lovely. When we go out of our lines, we mar the work. Yet, even then, God can make it all work together for His Glory!