Orange Oak Bolete Mushroom

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Anna Mason offered two short tutorials using this Orange Oak Bolete Mushroom. They were free-hand sketching of the mushroom and then graphite shading. I really enjoyed these tutorials. They helped me build on what I had learned from some of my very first art training in 2018. I was glad to see my progress, even though I haven’t been doing much in graphite for quite a while.

But this image was so beautiful! I couldn’t stop at graphite. I had to take the opportunity to paint it. What fun it was!

God often shows us something that has a familiar outline. He wants to show us more about it, however. But we see the outline of the lesson and say, “Ah, yes. I see that.” Then we turn our attention to something else.

Or, we may go ahead and notice the shape by looking more intently at the light and dark values. Sometimes we are satisfied to just see the values in what God is showing us. We say, “Oh, that is a good lesson. I see it is valuable.” But then we lose interest in the subject.

But for those who are eager to learn the lessons God is teaching, they wait to discover the colors. With the vibrant or subtle colors, they fall in love with God and want to sit as His feet and learn.

Let’s not be satisfied with the outline of the lesson or stop at seeing its values. Let’s press on to explore the color and beauty God offers us. Then we will be ready to share this richness with those around us who are also hungry.

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