Monarch Butterfly

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I have loved the Monarch Butterfly from my youth. It was the butterfly we studied to learn about the stages of the life of the butterfly. I was fascinated by all the stages they go through and how differently they look at each stage.

This time I studied about it, I learned they have a very long migration pattern. But different from the hummingbirds, these butterflies only go part of the way. Then butterflies who matured at that destination, fly to the next stop. But each butterfly has never flown that route before, yet they know the way.

For the butterfly it is instinct that leads it on. For us, when are hearts are open to God and we seek His direction, He leads us in unmistakable ways to fulfill His destiny for us. Do you spend time with God and ask for His direction? If not, why not try it and see where He leads you and what He prompts you to do?

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