Mandarin Ducks

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Mandarin Ducks mate for life. That was the reason I chose them to work on. I had hoped to have a good picture of true love to share for Valentine’s Day.

These ducks and their watery background proved much harder than I expected. There were unforeseen difficulties. Things beyond my control interfered with showing their form. Their surroundings paled and darkened surprisingly.

That’s what happens in every marriage. Life is harder than we expect. We have unforeseen difficulties. Things beyond our control change the shape of our lives. Shadows will surprise us.

As Clint Black’s song says, love is something that we do. It’s not something we find, not something we’re in, not something we have, not a place we fall. It is what we do, day in day out, good day or bad, happy or sad. It is working hard together to resolve difficulties. It is being there and doing life together and it is overlooking the imperfections for the sake of unity.

These ducks really did have a lesson to reinforce.

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