Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird

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I finished the mate to the Ruby Throated Hummingbird that I painted in January. He is much smaller than the female, but oh the colors are so beautiful.

This was a delight to paint! He brought such joy as he came to life on the paper. Someday I want to see this little bird dip his long beak deep in a flower for a sip of the nectar!

I had a day this week when everything seemed to weigh so heavily on me and I felt so anxious. I felt my Father would be pleased if I would just lie down in green pastures. No, there are no green pastures near here and I’m not the type of girl who lies down in grass anyway. But I had a comfortable place to lie down and let God refresh my soul. As I thought of things that troubled me, I felt His Spirit lift them from me. Little by little I was so refreshed. I slept soundly for a while and woke refreshed and ready to enjoy His world again.

I found myself humming, This is My Father’s World. If you haven’t thought of the song in a while or never really listened to the words, you might enjoy reading them at:

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