Lesson 9 – Shared Meaning and Dreams

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The purpose of this lesson is to help you along the way to a marriage that can last a lifetime. That is the goal of all of us when we marry. For some, the goal has gotten buried under the load of responsibilities and distractions of life. Shared meaning, a common goal, and continued commitment to reaching the goals we set, give us strong incentive to keep our marriage healthy.

Start by watching: The Truth about Great Relationships

Zach Brittle says, “Creating shared meaning is one of the most rewarding facets of a marriage. It can be awesome, messy, agonizing, joyous, elusive, fun, risky, maddening, invigorating, mysterious, and all of these at once. If you start your relationship off by ensuring that it’s meaningful, you can save yourself a lot of pain and heartache down the road.”

Begin by reading the article: Enriching Your Marriage by Creating Shared Meaning

Read: Suggestions for Creating Shared Meaning

Then consider how to make your dreams come true. Read: Making Your Dreams Come True

Read: 5 Rituals to Reconnect in Your Relationship

A ritual of connection we have not talked about yet is the 6-second kiss. A daily six-second kiss will increase your emotional and physical intimacy. According to author Dr. Kory Floyd, physical contact releases oxytocin (the bonding hormone), can improve our mood (for days), and can help you stay calm. Holding hands, hugging, touching, and making out can reduce your stress hormones (cortisol) and increase your sense of relationship satisfaction.” If kissing for six seconds feels like too much, share a hug or cuddle that is not intended to lead to sex.

Rituals of connection, creating shared meaning, and making your dreams come true are ways to keep your marriage healthy and satisfying for your life-time.

There’s one last topic you’ve probably been waiting a long time to see. Please read: A Great Sex Life After Baby

If you prefer to complete this classroom today, you may go on to Lesson 10- Final Words

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