Lesson 4- Expressing Needs and Desires

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The goal of Lesson 4 is improving our ability to express our needs and desires and to understand our spouse.

My husband wrote a very good article about this part of communication. Begin by reading, “Expression and Understanding.”

Some couples run into a road block at this point because one or both have difficulty putting their feelings into words. Even if you are good at this, please read, “Putting Feelings into Words.” This not a long article, but it can help in expressing and understanding emotions.

The Expectations and Limitations we brought into our marriage influence how we express and understand our needs and desires. Please read, “Expectations and Limitations.”

Some of the expectations and limitations we bring into marriage have to do with baby and child care.
Please read: Dads and Baby Care
Then you may want to use some ideas from this article in the next exercise of expressing your desires or needs.

This lesson concentrates on exercises you must do together. You don’t need to do all these exercises at one sitting. Choose times this week to do each of these exercises. If you have more difficulty with one or another, take an extra time to practice that one.
1. Expressing Desires Exercise.
2. Expressing Needs Exercise

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