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This koala looked so cuddly and sweet that I wanted to add him to my animal paintings.

I learned about koalas. They are not bears, but marsupials. The joeys climb into their mother’s pouch just after birth and stay there for six months. At that time, they crawl out and ride on her back for another six months. They live nearly all of their lives in the canopy of eucalyptus trees. The leaves they eat are highly toxic to other animals, but provide nutrition and moisture to Koalas. They almost never drink water. They live 10- 15 years in the eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia.

Koalas are perfectly made for the environment God prepared for them. As long as they stay in the eucalyptus canopy, they live well. They do have predators, but in the trees they have all they need.

We are told many ways God gives us a good and pleasant place to abide in Psalm 23. He gives us a safe place to lie down. He leads us to a place that refreshes our soul. He guides us in the right path that honors Him. Even when it seems dark and scary, we don’t have to be afraid because He is with us. He protects and comforts us. When we have to face our enemies, He prepares the table to meet them. He anoints us with the oil of joy. He will show us His goodness and love throughout our lives and we will have a heavenly home with Him forever. Are you living in a pleasant place inside the boundary? (Psa 16:6)

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