Japanese Maple Leaf

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This Japanese Maple leaf was a practice piece from Anna Mason. Because I love red Fall leaves, this was a natural for me to try.

My fascination with Fall colors started at my Aunt Marion’s cottage in Trunkeyville, PA. I have such fond memories of our extended family savoring the brilliant yellow and orange and especially the red leaves on the hill across the river. We worked hard on those weekends to winterize the cottage since no one would use it during the winter. But we stopped often to look at the colors all around us.

These are wonderful memories that still spur me on to venture out to find and enjoy Fall colors. What good memories do you have that remind you of what is good ? We all have some unhappy memories, too. Don’t nurse them and rehearse them. Is there something you can do today to redeem that memory? If there is, do it. If not, offer it to God and leave it with Him. Then do something to make a new, good memory.

God bless you and remind you of good and beautiful memories today and through this week.

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