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This goldfish looks so free and like he is enjoying a leisurely swim in clear water.

I was thinking about Psa. 16:6 “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

This fish is enjoying his pleasant places. He is living within his boundaries. If he decided to try to live on earth, he would suffer and then die, never seeing his beautiful inheritance. If he tried living in deep water, he would get those beautiful fins torn by coral and probably end up shark food.

Our lives are not as clearly defined as the fish’s. But when we live within the boundaries God has set for us, doing what pleases Him and not hurting ourselves or others, we have a pleasant place to live and the promise of a delightful inheritance.

If you have stepped outside your boundary line, why not make the decision today to return to your pleasant places and delightful inheritance. If you are in your pleasant place, find the joy of the Lord where you are and don’t allow any temptation to draw you away.

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