Golden Cosmos

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Chinese New Year is a 15 day celebration. During those days, Mike took a picture of our neighbor’s golden cosmos. I loved the color and form of these cheery blooms! So, still wanting a bit of hand holding on Anna Mason’s technique to watercolor this flower, I watched her Pink Cosmos Tutorial while I painted this golden one. That was a mind-bending experience. But it was very helpful to keep me on track and help me see the differences in tones and hues in the flower I was painting.

Cosmos flowers were named by Spanish priests who thought they symbolized order and harmony. That seems very appropriate for our world today. We need every reminder possible that as our communities splinter and rage, we must be agents for harmony and order. Many of us feel we have no control over the whims and dictates of those in authority over us. It is a time to quiet our souls and turn to the Author and Creator, the One who knows best how we work and what is good for us.

Before rushing on to the next picture or cartoon or outrage, please take a moment to quiet your soul and listen to God. Ask Him to show you how you can have order and harmony in your life, even in the midst of chaos.

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