Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird

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This is the second time I have painted this hummingbird. The first painting was left in the hands of my art teacher to help raise funds for a Christian charity in Malaysia. It does my heart good to know people were not just blessed by seeing this bird painting, but by the generosity of Christians to help those in need.

The first time I painted this bird, I was so awed by the physical prowess of such a tiny bird to fly such an incredibly long migration nonstop over the Caribbean Sea. This time I couldn’t stop seeing all of the intricate design that went into creating this tiny bird. I was painting her at more than twice her size and still was a great way from being able to paint the individual feathers.

The Bible tells us from the beginning of Genesis that God created everything. I’m awed each time I take a good, long look at any created thing. The more I look, the more I believe.

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