Expressing Desires Exercise

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It may have been some time since you talked about your desires for this stage of your marriage. It may seem awkward. But give the exercise a chance. It’s worth the investment. Here we go:

Look at the statements below. Choose one and adapt it to your own situation. Take turns to express your own current desire. Be sure to state your desire as clearly as possible and be ready to say how it could be met. When it is your turn to listen, listen with a teachable heart. Don’t be ready to criticize or belittle your spouse for the desires they express. Be ready to say ways you are willing and able to meet what is expressed. Do not make this a time to argue, but to add to your relationship account!

  • I would like you to touch me even at times sex is not the response you expect.
  • I would like help with the evening meal time.
  • I would like your undivided attention for a few minutes each day.
  • I would like time to decompress for a short while when I come home.

Now that you have practiced those, why not think of some of your own?

I would like. .

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