Day Lily Center

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Day Lily Center

Usually when we see a flower, we comment on its shape and color. We mostly pay attention to its petals. And that is as it should be. But when Mike took the photo of the center of this day lily, I was fascinated and decided I’d paint it. The flower center is only about an inch in diameter. The painting is 5×7. That center is the reason for those lovely petals. The center is where the purpose of the flower is carried out. Without the pistol and stamen there would not be new growth and the promise of multiplication.

Now when people look at us, they see our body and actions. But the really important part of us is our center; our soul and spirit. That is where our purpose and motivations originate. That’s where the seeds are formed that will multiply and spread.

Are you caring for your soul? Are you feeding it on God’s Word and watering it with the Spirit? Are you growing seeds to share?

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