Bell Grove Plantation- Graphite

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I was challenged to do something other than botanicals. I love Bell Grove Plantation outside Strasburg, VA. The reference photo for this sketch was taken in the Spring when this giant Sycamore tree was just beginning to leaf and the grass was beautiful shades of green. The house in the background is the Caretaker’s Cottage.

Bell Grove is such a peaceful place to go around sun down. There’s usually a cool breeze and the air is clean and fresh. The sun set is spectacular from the parking area near the Caretaker’s Cottage. We have not been able to visit this lovely location in about a year and a half. We don’t know how long it will be before we can return. But even if we never do get to be there again, we have such lovely memories of the quiet and peace we felt there.

Do you have memories of places where you felt particularly close to nature and the Creator? Are these memories you pull up from time to time and allow to bring a smile to your face and a lift to your heart? Take a few minutes and leaf through your memory album and linger a while on at least one of the places where you felt the most free and peaceful.

When you comment, please include the name of one of your special places.

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