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This lovely Agapanthus flower was the last flower I painted before we began our month-long road trip to visit friends and family. I couldn’t be lazy and paint each of the open flowers the same way. The buds had different shapes and shading. Yet each one was important to the whole blossom.

One of the special treats I had while visiting friends and family was sharing my box of watercolor paintings. I got great joy in seeing their faces light up as they saw their favorite picture. Some of the paintings were liked by many, but most everyone had a favorite. But just because one was liked more than another did not diminish the value of the others.

If we only saw each flower on this stem the same way, we would have no concept of the form of the head of this flower. There would be no way to comprehend the beauty that God was preparing for us to see.

No wonder we are all different and individual and yet brought together in family and church and community. Our individuality enhances the whole.

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