Loose-style Bouquet

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This was the final project of the Alex Kincaide Series on Loose Watercolor Florals. What a treat to see how all the practicing during the series could be combined to make a bouquet. I wanted to make a bouquet using these flowers in a different arrangement. But then I realized there is more to design than just lumping these together. I’ll take a class sometime to plan floral designs. It doesn’t come naturally for me.

Violet Cornflowers

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I joined an on-line class with Alex Kincaid on loose watercolor style flowers. This cornflower was near the beginning of the series. I really enjoyed her easy-going approach and constant encouragement to keep trying. It is much looser than my usual realistic type floral paintings. But with the ease of painting, I discovered the flower was still quite recognizable and the form was not lost with less detail.

It seems this is a season for me to loosen up and I’m finding I really enjoy it and am satisfied with the results.

Take a moment to reflect on your current manner of life. Are you bogged down with details and forgetting how to appreciate simplicity? Maybe it is time for you to take a step back and do something just for fun.


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Graphite Tiger

This tiger was so enjoyable to draw in graphite. When I want to just clear my head and let my hands do the work, graphite is my medium of choice.

I was interested in how far ranging Tigers are. They are common from Turkey to Russia and China. They also live in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. They are strong enough to hunt buffalo and fast enough to hunt deer and small mammals. Most of the time they kill their prey so quickly, they don’t have time to struggle. They only kill to satisfy their hunger and feed their young.