The Old Train Depot

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The Marshall train depot was built in the 1890s and used until the 1970s when passenger service discontinued. This old railroad shed is the only part of the depot that survives in 2024.

As I look at this abandoned building, I can’t help picturing what a hub of activity, emotions, and people it was! Noisy and sweaty, bumping and being bumped, people in constant motion. Some rushing to get all their luggage, others trying to keep their children together! The air filled with  joyous greetings and the teary farewells. There, off to the side, a few nervously fingerling their tickets, afraid of this huge, noisy, unfamiliar vehicle. Was it really safe enough to take them to their new home?

This reminds me of the life we are living. Here we are in this noisy, sweaty world, being bumped and bumping other people. We’re in constant motion rushing to do what seems so important in the moment. We have some joyous meetings and some teary farewells. From time to time, we’re like the nervous one fidgeting on the threshold of adventure. How do we make our way through? Remember the words to Joshua on the brink of entering the Promised Land, ”Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua-1-9)

Some day someone will see what is left behind of our lives. What will they think as they see the remains of our busy lives?

A Snowy Evening

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I painted this snowy evening scene following a free tutorial Geoff Kersey. This involved many watery washes of color and painting the distant trees before the nearer trees. I learned so much doing this painting that I am sure I will incorporate in other paintings.

Learning the slow process of many thin washes of watercolor was how capturing light is possible.

The atmosphere of our hearts and lives is also made over time with additions slowly added. We are who we are today because of our past and what we experience every day.

You might try an exercise I found recently that I had done many years ago. I listed what I wanted to remember in one column. In the second column what I determined to forget. I was pleased to see that the things in that second column no longer have a hold on me. There are plenty more things I want to add to the memory column. The atmosphere of my life is freer, happier, and more out-going than when I first did this exercise.

A Dog Named River

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On Christmas morning we were invited to share Christmas Brunch with a friend’s family. We met River at that gathering. What a beautiful, friendly, well-mannered dog is River! I sketched him in graphite to highlight his beautiful furry face. River was imperturbable, even in the chaos of a large family many children and three other dogs. Oh to be that calm!

Line and Wash Barn

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This painting is a new style of watercolor for me. It is called Line and Wash. The sketch is inked first. Then layer by layer the colors are added to complete the painting. It is a nice break from the very detailed paintings of flowers and animals.

I love the old barns and houses in the Shenandoah Valley where we live. I have wanted a way to save these lovely old buildings so others could enjoy them, too. This technique will make that possible.

A Shepherd

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This graphite portrait is of a local shepherd. We meet from time to time in our breakfast shop. One day we met in our town park. He had one of his dogs with him. She calmly waited while we talked. From time to time, she’s perk up her ears and rise to her feet. He would just motion with his hand and she’d lie down again. Then he showed us what she could do when he would blow a special whistle. She rose and run in a circle to the left. With another toot, she ran to the left. With a different one she ran as fast as she could straight ahead or back to his feet. At his feet, she was constantly ready for a look from his eyes or twitch of his hand. How perfectly she was trained for her work and her life.

I want God to train me to be that ready for His wish or His need for my action.